"The experience was very warm and professional. Shonnese C.L. Coleman is hosting a format that harkens back to the days when radio was theatre of
the mind making this such an awesome tribute to a forgone era.
Only now it's the 21st century, version 2.0 Radio Theatre For Your Soul.
What a delight!" - Alfred Woodley, Storyteller

Click on the Episodes Tabs below to HEAR Seasons 1 - 4
launched & recorded at AcceleratedRadio.net
NOW availalbe every where
you listen to podcasts
Jan. 30, 2016
Gabriel Tolliver
"Radio Theatre For Your Soul was a wonderful opportunity to hear my sci-fi script; SPACE IS THE PLACE to manifest into the Internet airwaves.
Shonnese C.L. Coleman assembled a great cast of Storytellers to present this short film script and it's prescient message of a "new country". Shonnese is bringing "ancient to the future" with Internet radio presentation. Her love of radio programming evokes
the radio theatre work once done by legends such as
Rudy Dee and Osse Davis. I believe Shonnese's dedication as a conscious producer/storyteller using Internet radio as her platform, will contribute to
keeping our Black artistic diaspora relevant."
-Gabriel Tolliver, Writer/Producer
Feb. 27, 2016
Lisa-Renee Pitts
"I had the pleasure of gathering around the mic with my fellow artists on the Radio Theater For Your Soul program hosted by the wonderful talent Shonnese C.L. Coleman. Our story to tell: Featured storyteller Dr. Tia Young-Robin moderated a conversation about Black Hollywood; the many known and unknown challenges that artist of color in particular face in our business of choice. It was a brilliant conversation that needed to be had. We shared experiences, past and present, data, hopes, dreams and concrete ideas to bring about a new future. I was very proud to have been a part of the conversation toward change. And as for the Radio Theater For Your Soul program, well....it does just that and so much more....gives a resounding voice to issues at hand in the hopes of CHANGE, gives a voice to those who seem to have no voice, a creative safe space to challenge ourselves as artist, to cry laugh and love with others, to share the gifts of knowledge and creativity and to demonstrate the power of the spoken word. Bravo to Ms. Coleman for providing a platform in such a way that honors those stories and the voices. Looking forward to listening and experiencing the voices that gather around the mic each week in the new season of Radio Theater For Your Soul!! Thank you so very much for your support of this creative platform."
- Lisa-Renee Pitts, Award-Winning Actress
June 18, 2016
Donn Swaby
"I had a great time on the show! Shonnese C.L. Coleman made me feel welcome and special. She was professional had done a great job in preparing for the show and then introducing me using the biographical information I'd given her. She was full of passion and energy throughout the entire show. I was grateful for the chance to share my personal story with her and her audience. Radio Theater for Your Soul is a perfect opportunity for artists to share their stories in a receptive, supportive environment."
-Donn Swaby, Musician/Actor/Author